View Our Range of Services
Transportation Design
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabiliation, Arterials, Collectors and Local Streets, Intersection, Complete Streets
Stormwater Design
Stormwater Management Facilities, Bridge Hydraulics, Flooding Investigations, Floodplain Analysis
Survey & Mapping
Horizontal and Vertical Control Surveys, Topographic Surveys, Right-of-Way Surveys, High Definition Laser Scanning, UAV/Drone Surveys
Traffic Engineering and Operations
Traffic Studies, Signal Timings, Signing and Pavement Markings, Lighting, and Signalization
Civil / Site Design
Subdivision, Commercial and Residential Site Design, Parking Design and Analysis, Parking Lot Rehabilitation, Recreational Facilities, Parks, Boat Ramps, and Boardwalks
Structure Design
Pedestrian Bridges, Minor Bridge Design, Retaining Wall Design, Box Culverts, Traffic Signal Mast Arms, Strain Poles, and Sign Structures
Utility Coordination, Water and Wastewater Transmission, Pipeline and Manhole Rehabilitation
Subsurface Utility Engineering
Underground Utility Locating (Test Holes), Utility Designation, Record Research and Data Collection, Visible Surface Feature Surveys

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VIew Element News
Here at ELEMENT, we wanted to start the year by acknowledging an incredibly important win from the end of 2024. We secured the District 7 DW Miscellaneous Surveying & Mapping contract for the 3rd time. ELEMENT has held this contract for 10 consecutive years.
Less than four months after opening the doors to our Orlando office, the team brought home their first win as a prime with District 5 for the SR 438 Lake Stanley Rd to Hiawassee Rd Safety Project!
We’re excited to announce Lynn Decker’s promotion to Tampa Roadway Group Manager. Her dedication has been instrumental to our success, and we couldn’t be prouder. With Lynn at the helm, our team is poised for even greater success!