Design Services for 34th Street from Columbus Drive to Hillsborough Avenue

Hillsborough County, Florida

This LAP project was between the City of Tampa and the FDOT involved providing concept development, public involvement, and the design of three intersection improvements along 34th Street from Columbus Drive to Hillsborough Avenue. Ultimately, the chosen option for the three intersections at 21st Avenue, E. Lake Avenue, and E. Osborne Avenue was a roundabout. The design elements included roadway, roundabout, pedestrian and bicycle safety, drainage, signing, pavement marking, utility coordination, utility relocation, and a design survey. Right-of-way was needed in addition to temporary construction easements; therefore, coordination with the surrounding property owners was critical. Extensive and ongoing coordination was needed between all stakeholders to ensure a successful project. Stakeholders included the City, FDOT, utilities owners, HART, East Tampa CRA, business owners, and the public.

In addition, the City of Tampa contracted directly with ELEMENT to resurface the roadway between the three roundabouts to create a continuous improved corridor from Columbus Drive to Hillsborough Avenue. Additional services included sidewalk improvements, signing, and pavement markings.