2016 FICE EEA Honor Award for our Fletcher Avenue Complete Streets Project

This project created mid-block pedestrian crossings that utilize advance street signs, high emphasis crosswalks, Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons, and adaptive lighting to alert drivers to the presence of a pedestrian crossing the road. To accommodate a bicycle lane and reduce vehicle speeds, lane widths were reduced. In addition, raised landscaped medians were added to improve access management.

ELEMENT Wins CTST Contract…Three-peat!

ELEMENT has been selected for the FDOT District Seven Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST) Consultant Study/Design (Continuing) Contract. We are grateful for this opportunity to improve safety throughout the Tampa Bay area. With the Department’s new Vision Zero traffic safety target; this Contract will be instrumental to the District for driving down severe injury and fatal crashes on the local road network. Intersection and lane-departure crashes are a primary focus area─89 percent of all intersections are on the local roadway system. This Contract is intended to serve as a full-service resource for the District including: the development of full plan sets, safety studies, Highway Safety Manual Benefit to cost analysis, Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) analysis, additional evaluation techniques for project identification and prioritization, along with a range of other related services. This is ELEMENT’s third consecutive award of this Contract.

ELEMENT Continues to Support Hillsborough County

ELEMENT has been selected for the Hillsborough County Transportation Project Development and Design Engineering Services Contract. This Contract involves providing as-needed general engineering services to support transportation capital improvement projects including intersection improvements, new signals, traffic signal interconnection, road diets, complete streets, road widening, road resurfacing and reconstruction, and bridge rehabilitation and replacement. Services to be provided under the Contract include preliminary engineering studies, design, plans preparation, structures design, utility coordination, maintenance of traffic plans, traffic signal design, traffic modeling, and survey. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve the County.